Viewing Transaction Details

Selecting a required transaction from the list expands this transaction details. The transaction log opens in a separate window. The Transaction Log provides a detailed report on all the steps included in this interface execution.

The Transaction Log

The Transaction Log includes the following columns:

Fields Description


The operation order.


Time index when the current operation was executed.


The interface task involved in the execution.
Step The interface step involved in the execution.
Type The message type. The type of a message appears in the transaction as determined by the Log Level to Save field at the Interface page.
Message Message content.
Details Provides additional explanation for the message in case of a failure or an error. Click the icon for further information.
Schema Click the icon to open the Schema in Excel. This shows the Schema data as defined for the selected step.
Parameter Name (optional) The trackable parameter name applied to the executed interface.
Value (optional) The value of the trackable parameter.

The following is an example of a short Excel file showing the current Schema:

Schema in Excel